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Activities for Compliance

The KDDI group is considering strict fulfillment of compliance as one of their basic policies.
As a member of the KDDI group, Kokusai Cable Ship Co., Ltd.(KCS) forms the framework for the compliance, and fully familiarizes KCS's employees with it by the following conduct:

  1. Observation of "KCS Business Ethics"
    KCS has established "KCS Ethical Conduct Guideline" in 2004, and is showing concretely the code of conduct which each employee shall observe.
    The purpose is to ensure for the employees to follow the related lows and internal regulations and to keep their high ethical sense, and for KCS to continue to be a corporation being relied from society and people.
  2. Establishment of "Internal Reporting System"
    KCS, as a member of the KDDI group, does early discovery of illegal or violating behavior within the company and its early correction by the following:
    (1)Establishment of "Corporate Ethics Committee"
    (2)Making the "Handling Rules of Internal Reporting" and establishment of the system in which the employees report incidents or discuss issues using the "Help Line on Corporate Ethics"
  3. Establishment of "Internal Control System"
    According to the "Companies Act, Article 362, Item 5", KCS passed the resolution of "Internal Control System's Guideline" at the board of directors meeting in 2006. Based on the guideline, KCS ensures the fairness, transparency and efficiency of the execution of company operations, and continues to consolidate the effectiveness of "Internal Control System" for enhancing the corporate value further.

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